Killing Time Episode 008: Dick DeBartolo Interview!

28 08 2006

Guest Starring Dick DeBartolo and his Air Conditioner.

Direct Download: Killing Time Episode 008

Having trouble getting the episode? Go to KillingTime.TV

Show Notes:
Lots of Gadgets discussed in this episode:

* Mini Water Dispenser
* Infomercials and Commercial Spoofs – Ionic Breeze / Ironic Breeze
* Magic Bullet Blender
* Showtime BBQ Grill
* Show-Off T-shirt – shirt with built in equalizer
* Billboard Hat
* Wavy Wand
* Tempo Tags
* The Cruizin’ Cooler

Daily Giz Wiz

The origin of Killing Time (Dick DeBartolo Interviews I.A?)

MAD Talk:

* The new issue of MAD Magazine
* Dick gets paid to watch TV
* Yell’s Kitchen and Deal or No Deal
* Snakes on a Plane
* The MAD magazine process
* 24 – Dick DeBartolo liked it – but he’s tired of Keifer Sutherland running and screaming.


* I.A. teaches Dick some things
* BitTorrenting
* Call For Help
* Cracked Magazine
* Cargo Magazine
* iTunes
* D**k and S**k and Censorship.
* Changes to the Daily Giz Wiz
* WBAL Baltimore