Christian Cage’s Consultant: The Suspects

21 01 2007

This past week on TNA Impact, Christian Cage revealed that he was working with a consultant to prepare himself for Kurt Angle.

The clues:
this person, they think just like you
this person wrestles just like you
this person is intense just like you
this person, like me, and for good reason can’t stand you

Sylvester Terkay – Recently released by WWE. According to Wikipedia, “While attending North Carolina State University, he finished second in the 1992 NCAA Division I Heavyweight tournament, losing to future Olympic gold medalist (and future fellow Pro Wrestling superstar) Kurt Angle by points, 2-1, and later became champion in 1993.”

Samoa Joe – Obvious candidate.

Eric Angle – Kurt Angle’s older brother. Perhaps he doesn’t fit Cage’s description perfectly, but could easily “think just like” his brother, Kurt. Additionally, Eric Angle could be built up to fit Cage’s description. I do not know his current contractual status.

Brock Lesnar – mentioned specifically by Kurt Angle, the WWE and Lesnar worked out a deal April 25, 2006. The terms of the deal aren’t known, but I would bet there is a no-compete clause that probably prohibits participation in TNA or wrestling in the United States.

Chris Benoit – Currently the WWE’s United States Champion, he fits Cage’s description perfectly. Unless Chris Benoit does something completely uncharacteristic like walking out on his WWE contract, Benoit should be staying put.

Goldberg – Another person specifically named by Kurt Angle as a possible consultant. Goldberg doesn’t fit Cage’s description at all. Unless “wrestles just like you” means that this person is a wrestler in the business and not describing Angle’s method of wrestling.

RVD – Also under a WWE contract, see Goldberg comments. No intensity here.

Angle to TNA

24 09 2006

Holy flurkin’ snit.

Kurt Angle has jumped to TNA. Now I have to start watching Impact again. TNA has a golden opportunity here. Angle is already a huge star. All TNA has to do is ride that. Angle could make TNA a legitimate competitor to the WWE. If he signed over there, what’s to stop other top WWE names?

TNA has to play this carefully. This could be their one chance to get a major superstar in the business and get people to switch to TNA from the WWE. Maybe with Angle’s jump, Chris Jericho isn’t far behind.

I am a bit shocked that Angle would burn his WWE bridge like this. Hopefully, TNA is protective of Angle and will not let him kill himself in the ring. The schedule should be less rigorous and could be advantageous.

There may just be a new wrestling war.