
Hello, I am “the Governor” and this is the State of Wrestling.

Here’s some information about me. When I was a kid, during the Hogan-era, I was a huge pro wrestling fan. My two brothers got me back into wrestling roughly 3 years ago.

I read Mick Foley’s books (amongst others). I started reading about the Monday Night Wars and saw that some kid named “HBK” was champion of WWE (then WWF). I found out that Bret Hart was given a chance to be champ. I was confused. Former tag-team wrestlers were champs? These guys weren’t even giants!

I got further and further into wrestling history and checked out the death of WCW. Scott Steiner was champ? The guy from the Steiner Brothers? He looked completely different.

I started looking at wrestling in a new way with the help of the internet. I found out about something about Vince McMahon being an on-air character. I found out about something called work-rate. Then I started paying attention to the matches on Raw and SmackDown! These guys named Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle were phenomenal.

Now, I’m still into pro wrestling. I’ll give a recap on the State of Wrestling because it needs to be addressed. I don’t plan on this becoming big and anyone actually deciding to comment or listen to these ideas, but I thought it would be fun to have an outlet regarding professional wrestling.

8 responses

27 11 2006

Hi, my name is Liz Gerke and I work for TVGuide.com. I saw your blog and thought it was great. Please consider TVGuide’s WWE Friday Night Smackdown link for addition to your page http://www.tvguide.com/tvshows/friday-night-smackdown/191912
It has epsiode clips, summaries, interviews and would be a great resource for those that visit your blog.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Elizabeth Gerke

28 01 2007

An Open Letter to Vincent K McMahon:

Well Vince you did it again! You screwed up a potential money making angle, storylines and a chance to bring back the “true” diehard wrestling fans that left your ugly butt back when you took full control of wrestling. Oh Vince when are you going to learn that a man can never be an island to himself! You can’t control wrestling forever. Sometimes you have to delegate responsibilities and trust the people under you to make the right decisions.
The ONLY reason ECW’s legacy is ruined is b/c of YOU Vince McMahon and your bimbo daughter. Period. End of story.

You see “moron” unless people play under your corporate umbrella called “Sports Entertainment” no one can survive within your bull%$#t company. Your McEgo can’t stand the fact that anyone can come up with a better idea than you or he fact that the man who created a wrestling card in five minutes on a napkin for a show in a bingo hall is a legend in this business. Paul Heyman is a mastermind and is the SOLE reason why WWE and WCW had to change the way they did business back then to keep the true wrestling fans tuned in but you refuse to accept his place in wrestling history. You look down on him and anybody else who isn’t “created” by you. You’ve proven it over and over again with botched invasion angles and misuse of wrestlers talents that came from other organizations. Look at what’s happened since then. Your Raw averages between 3-4 ratings at best and SD is lucky if they get in the three’s. WWE product sucks and seems to have no life to it. Just average shows with little spurts of greatness now and then. So what do you do when ratings go down? Bring on the lingerie matches or bikini contest. Oh yeah! Vince’s great mind at work! And for what? Maybe a tiny spike in the ratings.

Everything in the WWE starts and ends with you Vincent McMahon. Your “Sports Entertainment” ideas are outdated and even you think you know what’s best for us the fans by shoving it down our throats. Even if I were on the writing team and came up with the greatest storylines ever you could bet Vince you’ll find a sure fire way to screw it up like with the Invasion angles, NWO, the defunct Bodybuilding Federation, XFL, a boxing venture pay per view and now the water down product of WECW.

The new WECW failed b/c Mr. McEgo didn’t give Paul the booking power he needed to make it work plus the fact there were many in the company like your daughter, Stephanie “Jackass” McMahon who hated the idea of resurrecting a legendary company not too mention the ECW originals were jobbing out to your WWE superstars. The December to Dismember was a joke b/c you waited until the last minute to promote this stupid card without giving a clue as to what the card was suppose to be plus Sabu was “mysteriously” taken out of the main event. That’s how much respect you’ve shown your loyal fans for their support throughout the years but just remember Vince what goes up must eventually come down. The WWE will someday not have the power it yields today and someone else will eventually come along to dethrone you. Then and only then you will realize that ALL you did for the business will be over shadowed by your shameless ego.

Now I give you credit for a lot of good things you did for the business in the last twenty years but you’re so insecure about not getting credit for it that you deliberately control people instead of taking advantage of their true talents. Every time someone in your company like Heyman comes in and does a great booking job, as soon as you hear about it the control freak takes over. Why? Because you’re just too scared and insecure to let someone else have some glory or even a little power to make the product better.

The WECW ratings have slipped from a 2 or 3 to a dismal 1 to 2. Vinnie you even admitted after the first show that it sucked. Why? Because it was your dumbass idea to book it the way it went down. Paul’s original script was thrown away. And what did we get in return? Hardly any wrestling matches, a woman who couldn’t unlock her bra strap and a bunch of WWE Raw guys taking over a show. Only one man responsible for this catastrophe from the beginning and that’s YOU Vincent “Idiot” McMahon.

So before you toot that Raw or SD horn just remember the WWE isn’t pulling the numbers the way they use to. Once again Vince you dropped the ball on some great storylines and angles you could of had just like you did back when WCW and ECW folded. It’s all about the money now and as long as the stupid casual WWE fan is forking it over you could care less about the product or the business itself.

Thanks Vince for the useless memories you’ve created.


1 07 2007

Sorry 😦

10 07 2007


10 07 2007


10 07 2007


13 09 2007


14 09 2007
The Orb

Nice post, bookmark it

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