TNA: Total Nonstop Action?

10 12 2005

Since Christian jumped to TNA, I’ve been checking out TNA more. I tried watching the show before, but there is a problem. TNA stands for “Total Nonstop Action” and it is, but that is a reason it is hard to watch. It’s a spotfest which, at times, is devoid of ring psychology.

The announcers need a lot of work. I understand the idea that the announcers should be excited in order for the audience to think the material is interesting and compelling. Problem? The nonstop yelling just cancels out everything. It doesn’t help any that their announcers sound like they are selling 200 knives for $50 on some shop at home network.

Since they have just gotten on SpikeTV, perhaps they need to start showing the audience why they should care. I don’t want to watch a bunch of guys beating the hell out of each other for no reason. Otherwise, I’d watch more UFC or MMA. TNA needs to treat their shows as PPV’s. Recap video packages need to be produced and shown before the matches start.

Also, they need to steal some old 1980’s wrestling ideas. How about a wrestler explaining why he wants to be a wrestler, how they want to be champion, how they’ve always dreamed about the prestigous NWA championship?

In short – here’s what TNA has to do:

  • More ring psychology is neccessary to draw the fans in.
  • Tell the announcers to tone it down, call it like a sport and get excited when it’s important.
  • Introduce the wrestlers and why the audience should care about them.
  • More video packages (maybe even their own line of “Desire” video packages).
  • New championship belt – I’ve always hated that belt. I mean, look what the real NWA replaced it with (the WWE World Heavyweight Championship is a close facsimilie) “Big Gold”.